Follow the Ketelstraat, pass the Komedieplaats on your left and continue to follow the Ketelstraat.
At the end of the Ketelstraat turn right into the Schuttershofstraat
4: This number means that you have arrived at a gallery and that you are kindly invited to enter the gallery.
Walk straight ahead into the Leopold de Waelplaats.
Pass three streets on your right.
Keep walking straight ahead into the Leopold de Waelplaats.

Start on the Vleeshouwerstraat, you pass a street on your right and you keep walking straight ahead on the Vleeshouwerstraat.
At the end of the Vleeshouwerstraat, turn right, follow Veemarkt for a moment, and then turn left into the Nosestraat.
The STOP sign asks you to stop and look at the sight and read the text.

Turn around.
Keep walking straight ahead along the Tolstraat.
Follow the square along the right-hand side, pass three streets on the right-hand side, and keep on walking.